Nia Australia is offering three playshops, in three States, on one day! On Sunday the 25th of October, we will be coming together to move, receive and share Nia, as we weave our magic across the land, in Sydney, Melbourne and the Gold Coast. Each playshop creating the space for you to share, explore, play, collaborate, connect and dance with community.
The focus for our playshops is infinite possibilities.
With the intent to embrace our uniqueness and inspire collective potential.
The day will be filled with movement experiences to connect you deeper with ‘what makes you unique’. Move your body to explore all that makes you You. Sense the potential that is possible when you weave your uniqueness with the community around you, in a nurturing and supportive environment.
These playshops are open to EveryBody! Members and non-members. So whether you are a seasoned teacher, an energised student or completely new to Nia, this event is for You and Your Body! This is an ideal way to step in and experience the practice of Nia.
Event Details: Sunday 25th October 10.30AM – 3.30PM
Bring a plate to share for lunch.
Sydney- St Ives Community Hall
Melbourne- Chambly Hall, Camberwell
Gold Coast- Burleigh RSL Hall
All welcome – In Advance $50 / On the day $55
Nia Australia members – In Advance $30 / On the day $35
Register right now by purchasing a ticket to the event in your city.
Click here to become a Nia Australia Member and read about the benefits
You may choose to deposit your fee directly into the Nia Australia Bank account:
Bank: Commonwealth
BSB: 063689
Account: 1021 2032
Reference: Your Name and City (GC, SYD or MEL)
Sydney- Anita Pulie – 0448 820 931
Melbourne- Tiffany Tyler-Dignam – 0459 992 213
Gold Coast- Lisa Silverstone – 0401 423 102
For enquires, questions and more details visit our Event on Facebook.
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