That’s what they say…and it is true.
Even Nia’s own commitment statement supports that line:
“Our focus and intent has always been for Nia to be a rich, diverse and inclusive community for every age, size, shape, gender, ability, race and ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, faith, belief system and all of the other beautiful qualities that make each individual body and spirit unique.” (www.nianow.com)
That being said, not everybody is ready for Nia! That is something as a Nia teacher I recognise.
Nia has to be experienced and given time to land in the body to savour the full flavour of all its unique ingredients.
Some come once never to return; others come and you can tell by the smile that spreads across their face that a spark inside has been ignited.
And some, well they love to dance and move anywhere, any time – a natural Nia lover.
One such soul is Kelly Glover. Known as the Dancing Queen in the community, Kelly has recently discovered Nia. Dance has been in her life since a young age, and music replaces TV at home. Her whole family are music lovers enjoying an eclectic mix of genres and artists. (how awesome is that!).
Nicola McDonald, from Holistic Horizons, supports Kelly to achieve her goals. Kelly is clear in her choice to dance, make friends in the local community and be included – Nia ticks all those boxes and more! Nicola says Kelly feels welcomed, accepted and safe coming to class and I know my Nia community delight in her joining us. Kelly is a radiant Joyful person to dance with.

Kelly is thrilled to be included as one of the girls, Nicola says. She has a little swagger in her step and has increased confidence.
Nia’s 52 simple moves have improved Kelly’s co-ordination and motor skills and her overall fitness has increased.
Kelly learns by repetition and I admire her focus and determination.
At our end of 2020 Xmas party, Kelly’s song choice was ‘Best of Both Worlds’’ by Hannah Montana. Kelly took up my invitation to lead the class for that song and she rocked it!
Kelly is ready to return to Nia in 2021. Are you ready to join her and many others reaping the physical, mental and emotional benefits of moving your body your way?
Written by Helen Suchting

Helen has completed the Nia White, Green, Blue, Brown and Black Belt trainings. In addition she has attended specialty classes in Nia 5 Stages, Nia FreeDance, Moving to Heal and 52 Moves training. Helen is based in Brisbane.
“Nia is the spark that ignited my soul. Each class I take; each training I attend, that light which started out as a little glimmer shines brighter and brighter allowing me to step out in the world with greater self-confidence, self-esteem and awareness.
From the moment the first beat of music pumps out, a smile spreads across my face, my cells tingle in anticipation and my body begins to sing – Nia is a natural high that lasts all day. I get to play, yell, imagine, dance, laugh, melt, sway, sweat, crawl, roll, receive, connect, touch, feel, kick and punch my way into well-being, health and fitness. Nia is so much more than a fitness class. As a practitioner my desire is to spread the magic and awareness of Nia in the community, so others may start their own journey of self-discovery, come home to their own body and allow their soul light to shine bright.”