When we think about Medicine we often conjure up thoughts of bottles of pills, prescriptions, potions and many other things prescribed to us to make us feel better, to heal from an illness or prevent us from getting sick.
What about if we switched the concept of medicine as we know it and think about how movement can heal our bodies, mind and spirit.
This is precisely why the theme for this year’s National Playshop – Movement is Medicine. At this Australia-wide event we will be guiding those participating to sense “movement as medicine”, experiencing the healing and conditioning power of moving your body in ways that feel good to you.
To explore this concept a little deeper we asked our teacher community what Movement is Medicine means to them. We have broken their thoughts into a few key areas:
What does it mean to be pain free?
Carol shared an interesting thought of how she has been able to reduce back, shoulder and neck pain.

“For many years now I have been holding tension in my upper spine, shoulder and neck. At times, the muscles become knots and it is quite painful. Nia has shown me that it is possible to let go of that which doesn’t serve me. By the end of class the knot is gone and I feel free.”
We love the transformation Rebecca has experienced over the many years of teaching and practicing Nia.
“Where do I begin? So much transformation on so many levels.
Physical being: skeletal restructuring, nerve damage repair, postural realignment, the creation of arches in my feet to name a just a few.
Mental realm: nervous system conditioning, focus, clarity.
Emotional body: constant and ever evolving heart healing.

The pathway to Peace. Spirit encompasses all of these and so much more. Purpose and Passion. Sign me up Every Body. Movement is Medicine.”
When we don’t speak our truth we tend to bottle up a lot of negative energy that can often result in disease.
We love how Julie has found her voice through Nia.

“I wonder at my physical fitness, especially upper body strength (which was particularly weak for me) and cardio.
Definitely increased mental strength, flexibility and agility. Tae Kan Do helped me find my voice and establish healthy boundaries. Still working on the latter. To conclude Nia helps every aspect of my life and I believe “you can have anything you want at Nia’s restaurant”!”
Here is another lovely example from Yvette who has also found confidence in speaking her truth.

“Nia brings a sense of release to every aspect of my being. Beginning with the breath it allows me to listen to my body and actually feel where my body calls for my attention. There are so many tools I am able to take into my everyday life one most definitely is a confidence to use my voice and be heard thank you Nia. Movement certainly is medicine and brings a joy to my soul and a strength to my body and mind. Magic happens when we feel and express through movement.”
We could all live with more of this!
Anita kindly shares the gifts Nia has given her.
“So many gifts. Seriously I couldn’t live without practicing Nia. It has made me so physically strong and feeds me with energy that I never knew I was capable of! It inspires me, is a platform for creativity and fun. The friendships and community are wonderful. The relaxation and overall conditioning are immense. And seeing others (my students) discover self-healing and getting in touch with their bodies is awesome!”

Here are just a few examples of how Movement is Medicine to those who practice Nia regularly.
If you would like to join us in our upcoming National Workshop on the 26th August 2018 so we can all feel better together we would love to share this experience with you. With over 11 locations nationally, hopefully there is one with in your reach. To find out more information and book your ticket, please visit >> http://bit.ly/playshop18