I discovered Nia . . .
at a farmers market in Eugene, Oregon where Nia was being shared on a grassy patch. I happily danced along with the group and was given a pass for a free class. I can’t remember who it was or what they looked like but that person changed my life!
After that class, I sensed a deep knowing that I was home – finally I had found something which felt like me.
The path was clear – every fibre of being said yes yes YES.
After that one class 14 years ago, I chose to do my first White Belt training in Portland with the co-founders of Nia: Debbie Rosas and Carlos Aya Rosas. Read More >
I remember the extreme awkwardness I felt in the core of who I was at that time. I was so young and lost and locked in. The training was bringing up all of my wounds and I dove right in eager to heal and be free. It was medicine for my whole being, and the best part was I got to dance it all through me! At the time I was living in America and all the trainings were happening over there so it was perfect for me, I went on to do my Blue Belt training 2 years later.
“Medicine for my whole being”
At the time Nia was just starting out in Australia with only 2 teachers present and no trainings were offered.
Over the years I have trained in Portland, Boulder, Hawaii, Hamburg and now Australia. I am so thrilled that our Nia Australia community has grown so much in the past 10 years, that now the international trainers come to us and we even have our own amazing Australian White Belt trainer, Sophie Marsh.
In November 2017, Ann Christiansen will be arriving to share playshops, classes and the Brown Belt. Next year the first ever Black Belt will be held in Brisbane.
Landing back in Australia after many years abroad, Nia has not only fed my soul and my body but also introduced me to a community of heartfelt inspiring beings, who I call my tribe.
It’s so wonderful to love something so much and share it with a brilliant community.
Thank you Nia.
Thank you all those incredible trainers who visit our shores,
and thank you Nia Australia!
Nia has transformed Taryn’s body and her life and she loves sharing movement as medicine. Her classes will bring you deeply into your body, inviting you to feel to heal. Taryn is a Nia Black Belt, Nia 5 Stages teacher, Yoga teacher, Dancing Freedom Inspired teacher and Kahuna Bodyworker. She is an experienced retreat facilitator running annual retreats locally and internationally, and offers a range of classes on a weekly basis to Australia’s largest and most awarded spa location “Gwinganna” and classes in the Gold Coast, Kingscliff and Byron Bay communities.
For more info on how you can dance with international Nia trainer Ann Christiansen and the next Australian White Belt with co-trainers, Australia’s Sophie Marsh and Laurie Bass from Portland, USA.
go to niaaustralia.com.au/events