Nia, an internationally acclaimed practice for over 30 years.
Nia is now taught in 49 countries around the world. Awakening the senses, Nia teaches you to love your body and your life. Here in Australia, Nia is shared with enthusiasm by a lively community that has grown organically since 2004.
Check out the Events page for the latest workshops, gatherings, retreats and trainings Australia-wide. Explore the Blog below for community news and stories.
30th June, 2018 in Nia Community
Nia is more than a practice, it’s a community
If you are on Facebook you may have noticed a few people sharing a video about community. It is titled – ‘What we do together matters’ – a video celebrating community.
It pulls up your photos and has this text overlay over the video;
What we do together matters
Community means a lot
but it’s different all over the world
whoever you ask,
one things is always the same.
It’s what we do for each other
that makes community matter.